Silvia Bruzzi ARTwork

Enter my magical world full of colors and art!
Since 2005 I have been producing unique pieces more artistic forms. At the same time I offer my art courses for everyone in drawing, painting, ceramics and engraving.

The new laboratory, surrounded by nature, is located in
via Lapidari, 12/5- 40129 Bologna See where they are

In my workshop I propose art courses in drawing, painting, modeling and decoration in engobbio and engraving.  for more information CONTACT
Gift The Art course
drawing, painting, ceramic modeling 
(no lathe)
and engraving
Unique handmade pieces, each piece has a story and 
It's own design and metamorphosis. 
Paintings and portraits
Watercolors and oil paintings artistic ceramics and engravings

Work in progress gallery Below you will find some of the students' works

Direttamente dal Texas una coppia ha realizzato a due mani questa ciotola bellissima! 
Directly from Texas, a couple created this beautiful bowl together!

Sofia è una Studentessa Cinese in Italia per approfondire la tecnica ad Incisione calcografica poco conosciuta in Cina.  E' molto brava e impara velocemente una tecnica antica ma contemporanea allo stesso tempo. 

Sofia is a Chinese student in Italy to learn more about the little-known intaglio engraving technique in China. She is very good and quickly learns an ancient but contemporary technique at the same time.

Estefania è una chica messicana qui in Italia per lavoro,
 ha scelto il mio lab per fare Arte e illustrazione!
Estefania es una chica mexicana aquí en Italia por trabajo,
 ¡eligió mi laboratorio para hacer Arte e Ilustración!
Estefania is a Mexican girl here in Italy for work, she chose my lab to do art and illustration!
9°Anniversario di Matrimonio - 
Coppia da e di Dublino Laboratorio di modellazione creta
9th Wedding Anniversary - Couple from and from Dublin Clay modeling workshop
Nada arriva dal sud Carolina per studiare qui a Bologna, gli è stato regalato il corso per svagarsi un pò 
Guarda che bella ciotola ha realizzato  con la tecnica di decorazione a engobbio.

Nada comes from South Carolina to study in Bologna, she was given the course to have some fun Look at the beautiful bowl she made with the engobe decoration technique.
Mamma e figlia da New York per qualche ora di Arte 
Mom and daughter from New York for a few hours of art

From Paris, a student who made this interesting engraving! 
De Paris, un étudiant qui a réalisé cette intéressante gravure !
Dal Brasile l'artista Jo Adriana, approfondimento tecnica di pittura ad olio
From Brazil the artist Jo Adriana, technical analysis of oil painting
Desde Brasil la artista Jo Adriana, análisis técnico de la pintura al óleo.
artcourses, drawing, painting, clay modeling, ceramic decoration, chalcographic engraving, 
art courses bologna, art courses for everyone, tourists art courses, student art courses art courses students, art courses silvia bruzzi art, welcome bologna, bolognatourism,bolognaitalia, italy, bolognacity, bologna, artbologna